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2025/01/21 11:53 · torte


2025/01/21 11:53 · torte

Sovol KlipperScreen (Makerbase MKS KLIPAD50)


Update Manager


System / Kernel (black screen)
- Updating "System" breaks KlipperScreen
  (sometimes even breaks wifi-access)
  Cause: Stock armbian kernels are incompatible with KlipperScreen
    - kernel on KlipperScreen is linux-5.16.20-rockchip64 (Version: 22.05.0-trunk)
      - This kernel is not found on the armbian servers (latest version: 5.16.11-rockchip64)
    - All later kernels are incompatible:
      - "/dev/spidev*" is not created (touchscreen and accel-sensors require spidev)
      - my guess: might have to do with the devicetree files
  Temporary fix:
    - Revert to old kernel
      Image location: see
      a) Re-flash (kills all prior settings)
         - Find image online (armbian-update.deb)
	 - Flash via USB-stick
      b) Revert just kernel (keeps settings)
         - upload armbian-update.deb to your klipperscreen
           e.g. using the web-frontend: Navigate to "Machine" and use the "upload file" button
           (or use scp or whatever for uploading)
         - use ssh/putty to log into your klipperscreen
         - change into the directory where you uploaded armbian-update.deb to
           for the mainsail example: "cd ~/printer_data/config"
         - Extract kernel package:
	     "dpkg -x armbian-update.deb xtract"
         - install (downgrade) kernel:
	     "sudo dpkg -i xtract/root/system_deb/linux-image-edge-rockchip64_22.05.0-trunk_arm64.deb"
         - install (downgrade) the dtb:
	     "sudo cp xtract/home/mks/rk3328-roc-cc.dtb /boot/dtb/rockchip/"
    - Keep that kernel-version (choose one of the following options):
      a) don't update "System" at all (stinks)
      b) keep just that kernel-version (allows updating "System")
         - "sudo apt-mark hold linux-image-edge-rockchip64 linux-dtb-edge-rockchip64"
      c) freeze the kernel using "armbian-config"
Klipper-0.12.80+ (secondary mcu update)
- Compiling klipper for "mcu"
  # cd klipper
  # make menuconfig
  - select "Micro-controller Architecture" and set to "Linux process"
  # make clean ; make ; make flash
  - ("make flash" replaces "/usr/local/bin/klipper_mcu" with "out/klipper.elf")
- Compiling klipper for "mcu linux"
  (as from
  # cd klipper
  # make menuconfig
  - change settings ("=" are unchanged defaults)
    = Enable extra low-level configuration options: [*]
    = Micro-controller Architecture: STMicroelectronics STM32
    * Processor model: STM32F103
    * Disable SWD at startup (for GigaDevice stm32f103 clones): [*]
    * Bootloader offset: 28KiB bootloader
    = Clock Reference: 8 MHz crystal
    * Communication interface: Serial (on USART1 PA10/PA9)
    = Baud rate for serial port: 250000
  # make clean ; make
  - copy "out/klipper.bin" to SD-card and rename it (must end in ".bin")
    !!! use a different name than that from prior updates !!!
Armbian Buster: End Of Life

Sovol's KlipperScreen still uses the outdated Armbian “buster” version, they've not released a newer firmware version to the current day (Oct. 2024). The repositories for this version have been taken offline in spring 2024.

  • Updating the system packages using apt (e.g. apt-get update or apt-get upgrade) does not work any longer, because these updates do not exist any more.
  • The missing system updates make it more and more difficult updating the Klipper components. E.g. recent “KlipperScreen” service versions depend on Python-3.8, but the device is stuck at Python-3.7.
  • At least one can not accidentally brick the device by updating the kernel or .dtb files any longer, as these files simply do not exist any longer.
  • It is possible to flash a recent Armbian version, but it takes more than just a few mouseclicks.
    See these guides:
KlipperScreen / Python 3.8

The last version of KlipperScreen that works with python 3.7 is v0.4.1. I guess the easiest fix is resetting KlipperScreen to that revision and never updating it afterwards. That means:

  • Log into the KlipperScreen using SSH or Putty and enter the following commands:
  • cd ~/KlipperScreen
  • git reset –hard v0.4.1

(I haven't tested this, but it is taken from the KlipperScreen FAQ at )

Other options are:

Moonraker Timelapse

The moonraker timelapse script has a dependency check at the starts, which prevents the installation on the outdated Armbian buster version. By removing that check, it should be possible to install the timelapse script. See Gergo's Youtube guide

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updating.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/21 12:22 by torte